Azarinth Healer Wiki


The Trakorov is a massive behemoth, with its talons being described as three times the height in length and several times as broad as Ilea. In total it is fifty meters tall. It has two Blue reptilian eyes and several horns protruding from its skull along with a layer of broad, dull black scales covering its head. By Ilea's account, its appearance is like a dinosaur, with the head being too broad to look like her mental image of a dragon. There are no visible nostrils. The two largest horns jut out of the skull and angle forward, close to the head - and the head is four to five times the size of Ilea. Its maw is covered in sharp black teeth the size of a greathammer, and the hide is hard enough that Ilea felt like she was hitting solid steel with a normal human body. Lava would come out from its maw.[1][2]

Meeting the Trakorov[]

Ilea and Violence went into the domain of the behemoth down in the 20th level of The Descent to recruit it to help fight a corrupted sand elemental that was threatening people in the dungeon and ultimately the world if it got out. Through some persuasion they managed to get the lazy titanic creature to aid them, leading to a fight where Ilea largely made sure to keep the slow Trakorov healed and free of corruption to even the odds.[2][3]


