Azarinth Healer Wiki


The terrifying. Has lost her head multiple times. Has willingly donated her body to another. Has lost one hundred limbs. Has willingly taken fatal damage. Has sought out sources of pain and destruction to forge her body. Has instilled fear in thousands. Has the Flesh Magic Resistance and Monster Hunter skills. Has two classes at level 350 or higher. Has unlocked an additional class before reaching level 600.

The Headless Horror is a being of nightmare. Whoever finds themselves in her path can only pray for her lenience or hope to have something of interest to present. She is a monster, true to the word, using her body and limbs to attack in a vicious and uncontrolled manner. Nothing can kill nor stop her. A murderous disaster on one to three or more legs. She wields flesh and blood magic without regard for her own safety, until her enemies drown in her own or their blood. Run, for she has cometh.[1]

We have currently not seen anyone with this class. It was an option available to Ilea after she got two classes to level 350.

