Azarinth Healer Wiki


The dungeon underneath Hallowfort. It has 25 levels that are each drastically different environments and monsters that varies from a giant lake to a frozen landscape.


While the the earliest origins of the dungeon may be natural [1], the dungeon was warped by the Ascended to draw in mana from the surrounding region causing a large increase in overall concentration as was as possibly causing the overall growth of the dungeon monster's levels.

The Expedition rescue team found a bright sphere at the core of the 20th level, Little Guy (Ilea's Fae friend) re-arranged the runes to activate it upon which a voice identified the dungeon as "Testing facility Zeta" [2][3]

Project Animus:

  • Priority 1
  • Field test of Blood Manipulation Agent III. Control of spreading corruption with impact expectation of mass extinction.
  • Subject Enavurin failed to change composition in meaningful way. Distribution approved by Vor Elenthir in case of facility breach. Document success rate.”
  • Status: failed

Project Fluctuation:

  • Priority 3
  • Observation and documentation of mana fluctuation and change in relation to Project Dusk.
  • Completed Three thousand years ago, give or take a century

Project Eden :

  • Priority 2
  • Test compatibility of subject organisms in transformed area. Document changes and behavior of subject organisms and long term survivability.
  • Status: Ongoing

Corruption plague[]

A invasion from corrupted/frenzied/enraged monsters coming from deep in The Descent that moved to the 1st level and even Hallowfort began a week before Ilea's return to The North and a few weeks after an expedition from Hallowfort headed deep down to explore/scavenge.[4]The expedition accidentaly released the corruption.[5]

Once a creature is corrupted by the orange pus that cannot be healed but only chopped off they will slowly become maddened/frenzied/enraged and will try by all means to attack the non-corrupted to spread the corruption. Even Ilea with her powerful self-healing cannot heal it. High level of Blood Manipulation resistance helps resist the corruption to a manageable healable damage.[6]


Level Description Chapter Notes
0 First area one arrives at when taking the stairs in The Abyss, pitch black darkness, many tunnels and fissures of different sizes. 255 Monsters :
1 Crystal light glowing from the pillars reaching down, rivers ran through like veins, ending in a lake that reflected the pale light from the crystal growing down into the space. The rivers weren’t ending but flowed away from the lake before pouring in wild waterfalls further down into the darkness. The lake itself was formed by streams flowing down the distance cliff like walls that looked like mountain chains stretching high before connecting with the ceiling. An underground territory but the light, flora and the lake painted a picture comparable to the Haven under Ravenhall. 265 Corrupted :
  • Corrupted Farngard
2 Tunnels filled with traps 266 Monsters :
  • Mud Goblin
  • Monster Roach
3 Aquatic 267 (Ilea, Baron, Austin and Seath bypassed this level by going down a shaft)


  • Ball Snatcher

Corrupted :

  • Corrupted Cannon Shrimps
  • Corrupted Widow Eel
  • Corrupted Whalesharkturtle
  • Corrupted Salomon
4 Also knowned as: "Heroes Descent", former home of the former Red Church.

The hallways looked similar to the city below Hallowfort.

The light illuminating parts of the hallways was magical, cold and flickering in places. The walls and floor were simple stone, nothing extraordinary like the marble in the palace of Tremor or the white stone Taleen dungeons usually seemed to have. A worn carpet in a dark red color lay in the middle of one of the hallways.

268 Reached after Baron drilled thru the floor of the shaft.

Monsters :

  • Pure Blooded
  • Blood Carrier
  • Blood Tainted
  • Old Blooded

Corrupter :

  • Corrupted Old Blooded
5 Complete darkness, many vegetation and wood oriented creatures. 383 Monsters :
  • Goliath Veramath

Corrupter :

  • Corrupted Rabid Biter
  • Corrupted Night Forest Spirit
  • Corrupted Needlebear
6 Complete darkness 384 Corrupted :
  • Corrupted Moth Diver
7 Old mine shafts 385 Monsters :
  • Shade Shredder
  • Blighter Stone

Corrupter :

  • Corrupted Shade Shredder
8 Complete darkness that smells like poison and death, purple mist when a light source is used. 390 Monsters :
  • Tangled Reaper

Corrupter :

  • Corrupted Tangled Reaper
9 Bright crystals to shed light all around , lush green plants and grass covered what looked like floating islands of rock in a sea of mist blocking any visibility below. 391 Monsters :
  • Cliff Wyvern
  • Tusk Bear
  • Wisp Raven

Corrupter :

  • Corrupted Vampyr Thrall
10 Holds a powerful lightning creature. Perhaps something akin to lightning itself, an elemental. There is however a lot of cover as well, rocky cliffs leading down as well as powerful winds. 398 Monsters :
  • Elemental Fragment
  • Young Lightning Elemental
11 Snow covered valley, food and monsters aplenty 399 Monsters :
  • Spirit of Winter
  • Stone Cyclops
12 Ice and reflections, illusions perhaps and traps. 401 Monsters :
  • Halian
  • Blade Lurker

Corrupted :

  • Corrupted Halian
13 Some kind of water level, with streams, rivers, creeks and ponds flowing towards a small decline 403 A Veiled Enavurin called Gracken asked Ilea to save a Fae (little guy) that was imprisoned and experimented on with corruption

Monsters :

  • Vile Varass Drowner
14 407 Bypassed by Ilea after she met Gracken in some sealed part of the dungeon.
15 The area right in front of the entrance was mostly barren earth, partially frozen over. No trees or any vegetation was visible, nor any creatures or corpses. 407 Monsters :
  • Storm Griffin – lvl ????
16 Open space with pale blue light shining from crystal like stone set in the ceiling. It was a vast and expanding area with hills and rocks dotting the environment. A little less high reaching than the previous layer. 408 Corrupted :
  • Corrupted Zanedin Hunter
17 Eerily quiet cavern. It expanded for kilometers in each direction, crystal growing on several pillars that reached from the bottom to the top. Stalactites overgrown with the shiny mineral grew from the distant stone ceiling.

Contains a facility with a starving Vampire imprisoned inside that previously attacked and kill all the other members of Ilas' former party including his life partner.

413 Monsters
  • Spirit of Elysium
18 Desert with sand and heat 414 Monsters :
  • Elder Sun Sprite
19 A full blown sandpit and quicksands 415 Monsters :
  • Deep Mirage
20 Desert dunes mostly with some places of steel structures partially covered in sand and stone. 414 This is the level where the expedition stopped and accidentally activated the corruption.

Monsters :

  • Patron of Torment
  • Fang Shaper
  • Trakorov Lvl ????

Corrupted (Lvl ????) :

  • Corrupted Sand Elemental
21 A large cavern with black rock like Trakorov's lair, Lava pooled into orange glowing lakes, streams flowing in from cracks in the walls and ceiling. Large stone protrusions, platforms, and boulders dotted the area. 430 Empty, Devoid of living creatures.
22 A dark cavern with high mana density. Pure unadulterated mana permeates this layer. 430 Except for bolt of purple lightnings striking from a distance randomly, It is Empty.
23 Another cavern but this one is filled with the mist of snow and wind. Walls covered with frozen ice. Same high arcane mana density as the last level but not cold enough to give upgrade Ilea's Ice Magic Resistance. 431 Empty.
24 Cavern with Steel temple/castle at the end. Within it stands a realm teleportation platform, Mana density higher than 22nd and 23rd. 431 In the facility, Ilea encountered another dimension being which is four marks, It immediately tried to kill her but she survived and escaped via Fae's Teleportation skill.
25 The last layer was smaller by a large margin. A couple hundred meters in each direction. A bridge made of steel ended right under the exit. Brackets and beams suggested something could be placed right below the pipe. Perhaps to funnel the mana into or to feed it.

For all she knew, the creatures who built this were mana eating slimes invading different worlds to collect and eat their magic.

At the other end of the three meters wide bridge lay what looked like a castle or temple of steel. Stairs led up to a simple steel gate several meters in height. The structure had neither windows nor artistry, formed of rectangular and sharp steel bits without so much as a seam.

One large blob of metal. The castle still dominated the small cavern, illuminated by crystal growing on the close walls and ceiling. It had a presence that exuded power without over complicated displays of artistry or wealth.


Notable inhabitants and monsters[]

Blue Reaper


Monster Roach

Goliath Veramath (lvl 783 chapter 377-378)

3nd Floor (aquatic)

  • Widow Eel level 242, chapter 382
  • Whalesharkturtle level 284, chapter 382
  • Ball Snatcher level 230 chapter 382
  • Cannon Shrimp level 452 chapter 382

4th level (Red Church floor)

  • Pure Blooded
  • Blood Carrier
  • Old Blooded

5th flood (wood types or related to vegetation)

  • Needlebear lvl 324 chapter 379
  • Night Forest Spirit lvl 438ish chapter 379 and 383

6th level

  • Moth Divers chapter 379, from 6th level

7th level

  • Shade Shredder lvl 468-532 chapter 385
  • Blighter Stone lvl 283 chapter 386

8th level

  • Tangled Reaper lvl 523-542 chapter 390

9th level

  • Cliff Wyvern (level 582-621, 2 meters tall, it’s Red wings each easily three meters wide wings, a dragon like head, a long tongue, Two legs with massive claws and teeth that could bite right through her thigh, chapter 391 and 395)
  • Malbrunt Krad’il’etar Vampyr Thrall level 541, exiled priest from the Red Church, chapter 392-393
  • Tusk bears lvl low 300s
  • Wisp Ravens lvl below 200

10th level

  • Young Lightning Elemental lvl ??? to a level 323, a ball of energy exuding outwards, wisps of lightning cracking at the air around, with wings, chapter 398-399
  • Elemental Fragment lvl ??? to a level 323, looks like a little sparrow made of lightning with bright eyes nearly blue, fused with Young Lightning Elemental to power-it-up , chapter 398-399

11th level

  • Spirits of Winter lvl 243, chapter 399
  • Snow Owls
  • Northern rabbits lvl 30
  • Stone Cyclops lvl 602-622 to a level 323, chapter 400

12th level

  • Halian lvl 605-610, chapter 401-402
  • Blade Lurker lvl 505-523, four legged dog sized beast with a ball like head, adorned by too many eyes and no mouth. Twelve protrusions came out its back with bladed ends, the whole thing a sickly purple color, chapter 402

13th level

  • Vile Varass Drowner lvl 519-562, small octopus cat-sized, uses gravity magic to pull preys into water to drown them and releases some kind of acid when in melee range, chapter 403
  • Gracken

15th level

  • The Storm Griffin lvl ????, chapter 407

16th level

  • Zanedin Hunter lvl 512-630, chapter 408

17th level

  • Spirit of Elysium lvl ???, chapter 413
  • Starving Vampire lvl 753, chapter 424, death ch 425

18th level

  • Elder Sun Sprite lvl ???, very nasty light magic, Ilea didnt fight, she fled has undred of them chased her until the gate for the next level. chapter 414

19th level

  • Deep Mirage lvl ???, Looks like Spirit of Elysium but with a hood, giggles. Showed respect to Little Guy the Fae, chapter 415

20th level

  • Fang Shaper – lvl ???
  • Patron of Torment – lvl ??? chapter 382
  • Sand Elemental - lvl 1483, eagle like wings spreading out from a flying cat like body. A woman’s head sat on the body’s shoulders, adorned with goat like horns. A being made of sand, a part of the storm and its center at the same time, lined with corruption slithering through its whole form. chapter 418-420
  • Trakorov - lvl ???? chapter 419


Ilea first entered it in chapter 255

