Azarinth Healer Wiki
  • Elos Races
    • Dark Ones
    • Dragons
    • Druned - golems of stone and rock, building for the Mava, perhaps protected by them
    • Dwarves
    • Elves
    • Fae
    • Feynor - reside as close to the highest mountains in the north as they can. Sentient and apparently related to Dragons themselves. Their physiology is similar to lizardmen except their tails are shorter and their scales are yellow, gold or brown instead of green. Have an almost fanatic belief of their own purity.
    • Goblins
    • Humans
    • Lizardfolk - have green scales
    • Mava - resemble foxes, originate from the dunes and sands in the western part of the Mava desert
    • Orcs - dwell in the west, far from even the Frozen Wastelands north of the Still Valley. I have never met one but they are said to be warrior tribes, often raiding each other and occasionally those bordering their territories
    • Taleen
    • Unicorns - they are supposed to be more violent than Dragons
    • Vampires - live in Courts far north of the Frozen Wastelands
  • Other Realm Races