Azarinth Healer Wiki


He wore black pants and sturdy leather boots. A simple shirt covered by a brown poncho above. His face was wrinkled and near bronze in color and his gray hair thin, his whole frame was thin for that matter. The man held a wooden staff that he leaned onto while they talked. The reason she assumed him to be old wasn’t necessarily his look, more the way he looked exhausted just standing there.

Lucas was an Elder of the Shadow's Hand mercenary organization, though he has not done anything relating to the organization in some time.  He uses wood magic and light magic.  He has become a pacifist.  He has somehow become a berserker by non-standard means - in battle he loses control and ceases to be able to distinguish friends from foes just like regular berserkers, but unlike others he did not (directly) gain this trait from one of his classes.  His pacifism is not solely attributable to his berserking however.  He lives humbly in a small community north of the Naraza Mountains, an isolated area with almost zero contact with human lands.  He is aware of some of the leadership changes the Hand has undergone.  He is one of very few named humans to have a level over 300 (he is level 321 when he is first encountered in Chapter 309 ).  


Ilea and Maro met him in The Vineyard Caves after Ilea killed The Undying Lord (lvl 540)[1]


  1. 309

