Azarinth Healer Wiki

The humans of Elos are largely the same as the humanity we know from real life, but they occupy a much more precarious position on Elos. The majority of humans live concentrated in fortified settlements for protection from monsters. Among other races, humans are often considered a fast-breeding race with low average levels but good organization.


Average People (lvl 1 - 50)

Trained People (eg. Soldiers, Healers, adventurers, Mercenaries) (lvl 51-200)

Shadow's Hand (lvl 200 - 310)

Exceptional people (280 - 380). Shadow's Hand Council Members. Golden lily's Members.

Deviants (400+). People beyond the expectations of normal humans.


Politically, humanity is organized in to a mixture of city-states, kingdoms, and empires. Slavery is legal in many areas, but illegal in many other areas. In most or all major human areas, nobles are recognized as having far more rights than common folk. However, this rests in large part upon strength - entire noble houses can and do get massacred semi-routinely if they fail to measure up, and nobles often brutally drive their children to excel. It is theorized those of exceptional strength (level 250+) may find it fairly easy to obtain titles of nobility if they're willing to act the part. The strength of the nobility also rests upon keeping the common folk weak though, through perpetuating economic and educational disparities. Noble families like to monopolize information relating to obtaining rare and powerful classes, particular classes relating to Blood Magic.

Relationships With Other Races[]


Humans are generally extremely hostile to elves, who have a tendency to massacre human cities and/or eat humans.


Humans have good trade relations with dwarves (note: the Talleen are not considered part of the dwarves in modern times).


Humans probably get along well with lizardfolk, as they seem to share lands with humanity without major conflict.


Feynor are probably quite hostile to humanity, but since there is little overlap between human-populated areas and Feynor territory, that is rarely relevant.

Dark Ones[]

Humans seem to have largely neutral relations with Dark Ones, though they rarely interact due to living in different territories.


Breed are humans who have mutated and been experimented on. They have scales as well as a tail.


Humans primarily live in plains south of the Naraza Mountains and east of the Navali Forest, mostly because everywhere else has more competition, but also because many other climes are less hospitable for humanity. In addition to the main human plains, humanity has outposts and small populations in other areas. Thousands of years ago humanity occupied lands north of the Naraza Mountains, though in the present time only a tiny number of humans live there - no human settlements, just a few outcasts and wanderers. The presence of an Azarinth Temple within the southern end of the Navali Forest suggests that at least part of it was once human land as well. In the present day, humanity has frontier cities on Karth Mountain (west of the human plains and south of the elven Navali Forest) and in the forests south of it. There is some human population in the Isanna Desert far to the south of the human plains.
