Cless is a young girl that Ilea finds while on a mission from the Shadow's Hand to the newly discovered Karul Dungeon. She is left in Ilea's care by a figure by the name of Albert Scipio. Cless introduces herself and says that she is from London. This along with some later pop-culture references tell us that Cless is from Earth. Ilea along with Claire Russel, Kyrian, and various members of the Hand effectively adopt her and begin to raise her within Ravenhall.
Class and powers[]
Cless has a Mage class, but she says she is a Wizard[1] of an unknown Hogwarts House, which allows her to cast spells and teleport. Her second class is a Painter which allows her to use mana to generate the paint itself. It is later revealed that the painting is a form of divination magic allowing Cless to view events happening in the present.[2] The divination magic has limits and can be resisted with the appropriate resistance, as seen when she painted Kyrian fighting a creature with divination resistance and it appeared like a mist monster rather than the actual creature.[3]
Her teleport spell is called Canvas step, and it allows her to teleport to locations she has painted. She keeps a book of paintings allowing her to teleport to the Meadow’s domain, Claire’s office, the Golden Drake, Viscera, the Haven and The Pit among others.[4]
Cless has a side-story on Rhaegar's patreon
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